Faythe Stone is a New York City based illustrator + designer from Georgia (along with some other states, military bases, & countries too). She graduated in 2020 from the Fashion Institute of Technology with a BFA in Illustration, minoring in both Art History and Color Studies. Trained as a fine artist and illustrator, she works digitally and in traditional media like gouache and cut paper. Whenever she can, Faythe loves to incorporate hand-lettering into her art. Her work tends to fill the composition with bold colors and shapes. Exploring different textures and patterns in her art, Faythe makes simple shapes complex and visually interesting.

When she’s not drawing, she can be found making her famous banana bread, knitting rectangles, or reading mystery thrillers and then staying up at night cuddling her cat because of said mystery thrillers. Occasionally, she sketches when traveling and sometimes makes comics about ghosts.

Recognition & Awards

National Arts Club Will Barnet Student Show 2020, Society of Illustrators’ Student Show 2020, American Illustration 39, 3x3 Magazine No.17, Creative Quarterly CQ60, Creative Quarterly CQ 100 Best 2020, Creative Quarterly CQ63, Society of Illustrators’ Student Show 2021, American Illustration AI40, 3x3 Magazine No.18

For more art updates, you can follow her on instagram. If you like her work, you can buy some prints. Want to say hi, have a question, or think Faythe would be the perfect fit for a job? You can contact her here or email her at faythe.illustration@gmail.com.